It's Not Goodbye - I Will Be Back Soon!

Following my last post that I would be closing down Crystals & Gems, I received lots of sad plea from friends and customers, asking me why I had to close the blogshop totally...

A few of them encouraged me to push on, advising me that being today's modern woman, it is absolutely possible to continue to design creatively, while taking care of a new baby. Who knows? The little one might bring on design inspirations? Most importantly, there would be people out there who would miss my designs...

So, with newfound confidence, I decided to just be taking a hiatus, rather than shutting down my blogshop completely. So, my space and my shop will still be here and I am still open to taking orders and customised designs but new creations might probably take longer to come along.

But, hey, people say the best comes to those who waits... so I will be back soon! (well, I am really hanging around anyway, in between milk feeds and diaper changes...)
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